
Relationships are based on a series of agreements. We attempt to make our relationships with each other and with clients explicit through the following base agreements and norms.

Cultural Norms

We set and agree upon our cultural norms through our Change Up process. These are general cultural agreements that we expect all contributors, clients, and members to respect.

Contributor Agreement

All human persons who contribute to the work of the co-op are asked to agree to our Contributor Agreement. This document outlines general agreements between the co-op and the signee. Typically this is a one time thing, it opens the relationship.

Read the base contributor agreement here.

Member Agreement

On top of the contributor agreement members take on extra responsibilities and benefits.

Read the member agreement here.

Work Agreement

Once a human person has agreed to be in relation with the co-op they will then create and regularly update a work agreement. This agreement defines the scope of their work as well as boundaries and expectations in terms of availability, rate, and work times.

Learn more about work agreements

Client Agreements

We also create relationships with clients through the following two explicit agreements.

Service Agreement

Like the contributor agreement the service agreement opens a relationship between the co-op and a client or group.

Read the base service agreement here

Statement of Work

Like the work agreement statements of work define a discrete piece of work or working arrangement between the co-op and a client.

learn more about statements of work here

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