
Good communication is at the heart of our work. This page outlines the tools and norms we use around communication.


Realtime communication refers to, you guessed it, communication in real time. When we aren't sharing the same physical space this has to be done through some tool, here's what we use.


For a quick message or to get a question answered slack is the place.

Members are expected to be online and available during their agreed upon "business hours".

Details on how we use Slack


Google Hangout is our preferred platform for realtime video calls.


This is the type of communication that doesn't happen at the same time. It's often less fleeting that realtime and allows more thoughtful exchanges.


Our main strategy for communicating with each other is via email. Members are given a G Suits account on Good Good Work's account.

Members are expected to respond to emails promptly unless otherwise stipulated in their work agreement.



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