Client Agreements

Service Agreement

The first step in opening a relationship with a client is to create and sign a service agreement. Service agreements require two member signatures.

The service agreement covers basic legal aspects of the relationship such as base rate, billing, fees, expense handling, termination, etc. It also contains a version of our cultural norms edited for clients.

The Google Doc Template file is located here

You can view a published version of our template below. (skip to Statement of Work)

Statement of Work

A Statement of Work or SOW describes the scope of a particular work agreement. Typically a SOW is created for each project under a client. For ongoing work a SOW is developed to describe that work and it's limits. The aim of each SOW is to clearly define for the co-op and the client what work is going to be done. It should create clear boundaries, you want to be able to take any client request and know if it falls within the SOW.

SOW follow a similar pattern. Introduction, overview, outline, and any agreements that aren't already covered by the Service Agreement.

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